Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
- All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
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- Submissions should be formatted in accordance with the template. Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) is preferred.
Abstract Submission
Choosing Abstract Submission means that your paper will be published as an abstract paper in the conference proceedings (not be published by ACM). The review cycle will be 2-3 days. All accepted Abstract Submissions will be published as Open Access (OA), with publication occurring about 7 days after acceptance. They will be assigned a unique DOI number, and will be indexed by databases like Google within 7-14 working days after publication.
ACM Publication
Once you choose to submit for publication by ACM, in addition to the conference registration fee, you may also need to pay the APC (Article Processing Charges) to the publisher, ACM. The review cycle is approximately one month. The copyright agreement and final manuscript need to be submitted to the publisher, ACM, who will be responsible for submitting the paper for EI indexing. (For past CSAE conferences, the EI indexing was typically completed about one month after publication.)
Important note to authors about the new ACM open access publishing model
ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Authors based at institutions that are not yet part of the ACM Open program and do not qualify for a waiver will be required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish their ICPS article in the ACM Digital Library. To determine whether or not an APC will be applicable to your article, please follow the detailed guidance here:
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Full details of the new ICPS publishing model:
Full details of the ACM Open program:
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Conference Proceedings Submissions
Choosing Conference Proceedings Submissions means that your paper will be published as a full paper in the conference proceedings (not be published by ACM). Both Chinese and English submissions are supported, and the review cycle will take 2-3 days. All accepted Conference Proceedings Submissions will be published as Open Access (OA), with publication occurring approximately 7 days after acceptance. They will be assigned a unique DOI number and indexed by databases like Google within 7-14 working days after publication.
SCIE Publication
All papers accepted for SCIE Publication are required to pay a paper recommendation fee and any publication fees required by the publisher (if applicable, see the corresponding journal's website or acceptance notice for specific amounts).
Underwater monitoring and surveillance by deploying IOUT
This special session is organized by Dr. Muhammad Tahir (Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering and Computer Science, NUML Faisalabad Campus. ), and Dr. Mohsin Raza Jafri(Assistant professor, Department of Computer Science, National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan )
Generative AI and Social Computing: Interdisciplinary Integration and Ethical Challenges
This special session is organized by Prof. Ji Luo (Wenzhou University of Technology/Tsinghua University, China)
Copyright Notice
Upon acceptance, all articles will be freely available to readers worldwide under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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